The CPC Committee of SCBC Holds An Enlarged Meeting and Watches the Grand Opening of the 19th CPC National Congress on TV
The 19th CPC National Congress opened at the People’s Great Hall at 9:00 on the morning of October 18. The Party Committee of SCBC held an enlarged meeting to watch the grand opening ceremony on TV. Rounds of applause sounded from the meeting room as President Xi Jinping delivered a report to the Congress on behalf of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

Secretary of the SCBC Party Committee Li Dong, also vice president of SCBC, commented after listening to President Xi Jinping’s Report that the much anticipated 19th National Congress, as an occasion to pledge China’s unyielding efforts to rejuvenate the Chinese nation, was of tremendous historic significance for the Communist Party of China. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Chinese people, under the central leadership of the CPC with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core and guided by the idea of socialism with Chinese characteristics, have achieved remarkable successes in all areas of development, which practically proves that the great Chinese Communist Party has adopted the right path of developing China and thus earned the honor of leading the country to a new era of prosperity. Secretary Li Dong also expressed his hope that all party members at SCBC should follow the guidelines from the CPC central leadership and play exemplary roles to serve the people as stipulated by the Party Constitution, and that party leaders and officials at SCBC should always keep in mind the mission of the Party as well as their responsibilities and dedicate themselves to the fulfillment of their respective duties at SCBC.

It was reported that teacher and student Party members and League members of the schools and faculties of SCBC were also gathered to watch the grand opening of the 19th CPC National Congress through live broadcast on television and networks. Such activities were meant to educate and guide all Party members and League members to grasp accurately the guidelines, principles and policies of the CPC as well as the thoughts of the 19th National Congress, and at the same time, to inspire in them their patriotism and a sense of responsibility and mission to achieve greater success in the development of South Chinese Business College.
German Corner Kicks off at SCBC
Organized by the School of European Languages and Cultures, this semester’s German Corner was unveiled on the evening of October 16 at the Recreation Area on the 2nd floor in the Library. German language teacher Katja from the School of European Languages and Cultures was invited to join and have conversations with students of German language and those who were interested in foreign languages.
In this week’s event, the participants were expected to introduce themselves in German or English and then to have free talks on the given topic.

Later, students played a word-guessing game in German language with their foreign teacher Katja. Immersed in the joyous atmosphere, many students of other majors really enjoyed the fun of learning the pronunciation of German words and dialogues, showing a great interest in the language.

The German Corner is said to be scheduled on every Monday evening. There are games and free talks on a given topic to engage students each week and help them improve the ability to express themselves in foreign languages.
时间:Oct 23, 2017 3:34:00 PM