




第二章 信阳毛尖产区分布与环境特征



中国茶区辽阔,茶叶产区主要分布在北纬18°-37°、东经 95°-122°范围内,覆盖上千个县、市。从区域划分来看,有华南、西南、江南、江北四个国家一级茶叶产区。由于在土壤、海拔、水热、植被等方面存在差异,因此四大茶区所产出的茶树、茶叶品质、类型也不相同。信阳茶区地处北纬 31°23'-32°7’、东经113°45'-115°55'的北亚热带地区,面积约18900平方公里。







Xingyang Maojian Tea: Ten Regional Tea Public Brands in China

Chapter 2 The Xinyang Maojian Tea Production Area: The Distribution and Environmental Characteristics


1. The Distribution of Xinyang Maojian Tea Production Area


China’s tea regions are vast, with tea-producing areas mainly distributed between 18°N-37°N latitude and 95°E-122°E longitude, covering thousands of counties and cities. There are four first-level national tea-producing areas: South China, Southwest China, Jiangnan, and Jiangbei. Due to differences in soil, altitude, hydrothermal conditions, and vegetation, the tea trees and the quality and types of tea produced in these four regions also vary. The Xinyang tea region is located in the subtropical area between 31°23'N-32°7’N and 113°45'E-115°55'E, covering an area of approximately 18,900 square kilometers.


It extends from Gushi in the east to Xinyang in the west, with the Dabie Mountains running along its southern edge and the Huai River crossing the northern part. The tea-producing areas are primarily located on the northern slopes of the Dabie Mountains, along the line of Nanwan Reservoir, Shishankou Reservoir, Wuyue Reservoir, and Nianyushan Reservoir, and in the vast hilly regions south of the Huai River. They belong to the Jiangbei Tea Region, one of the four major tea regions in China, which include South China, Jiangnan, Southwest, and Jiangbei. Historically, it was known as the Huainan Tea Region, situated at the northern edge of China's tea cultivation areas.


The ecological environment of the Xinyang tea region is superior, with undulating mountains, dense forests, rich vegetation, abundant rainfall, misty air, high humidity, sufficient sunlight, and a significant diurnal temperature variation. The tea plant shoots grow well, and tender with strong vitality, thick, and hairy, accumulating more organic matter. The average annual temperature is not high, which is beneficial for the synthesis and accumulation of nitrogen-containing compounds such as amino acids and caffeine, essential for making high-quality green tea. Xinyang Maojian tea is rich in organic substances, with a high aroma and refreshing taste.