I had been taught that I “had to” be unhappy sometimes because it is “good” or productive to be unhappy. Our culture supports this notion. Unhappiness is the mark of a “thinking, feeling” man; it is the mark of sensitivity. It is also considered by many to be the only “reasonable” and “human” response to a difficult and problematic society. The expression “happy idiot” is not just a casual comment but a suspicion that happiness and idiocy are almost identical. I adopted these beliefs and many others, never considering or testing their validity in my mind.
The more questions I asked of myself the more amazed I was to see how often I used unhappiness as a condition I promised myself if I did not get what I wanted or expected. If my lover or mate was uncaring, I’d be miserable (misery was a proof of involvement and caring). If I did not reach my goal, I’d be angry with myself for failing. To give my wanting extra importance, I made my happiness conditional on getting. If I didn’t get what I said I needed— love, money, security— then I would become unhappy. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And yet, I now know it doesn’t have to be that way. If my wife and I had been unhappy about our son, we would not have been able to help him. He would not have improved and so we would have become more unhappy. But by accepting and doing— and not judging the situation— we were able to reach an “unreachable” child. People who initially use unhappiness as a whip to push themselves can learn that happy people do not stop moving! And doing something out of happiness does not cause inactivity. On the contrary, it usually increases our mobility and effectiveness. Instead of fighting fears and running from pain, we can see what we want and can move toward it with great ease.